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Strathclyde Business School launches scale-up initiative with Scottish National Investment Bank
A new programme to address the growth barriers faced by Scottish businesses attempting to scale-up has launched.
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Strathclyde researchers to develop preclinical lead drug for advanced prostate and colorectal cancers
Researchers at the University of Strathclyde have been awarded £2.6 million to develop a preclinical lead drug candidate targeted at advanced prostate and colorectal cancers.
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New NMIS digital platform to help recruitment in Scotland’s manufacturing sector
A new online platform has been created to make it easier for manufacturing companies to recruit new apprentices and graduates.
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Glasgow Investment Zone to support just transition and climate-resilient economic development
A Glasgow City Council committee was recently given an update on the potential of the Glasgow City Region Investment Zone to support the just transition and climate-resilient economic development. Glasgow was recently recognised - by fDi Intelligence - for having the best investment strategy of any large European city.
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Strathclyde low-cost sensor to help Kenyan agriculture
A low-cost sensor system to detect nutrients in soil for improved fertility is being developed by researchers to help tackle food insecurity in Kenya.
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Strathclyde report finds Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Service speeding up treatment
More than one in ten patients seen by new cancer diagnostic services have been referred for cancer treatment, helping to speed up treatment and improve outcomes. Patients waited an average of 14 days from referral, to having cancer ruled in or out.
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Strathclyde’s novel approach to prevent insomnia in breast cancer patients
A novel approach to sleep ‘prehabilitation’ is to be trialled with newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients suffering from early signs of insomnia, in research by the University of Strathclyde and the NHS.
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Strathclyde partners with Kinectrics to expand nuclear research
Kinectrics Inc, a global provider of nuclear lifecycle services, is partnering with the University of Strathclyde to pursue nuclear research and training opportunities.