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Ambitious bid for Clyde Green Freeport submitted by public-private partners
An ambitious proposal to create up to 30,000 new jobs, attract £2.5 billion of capital investment and transform nearly 600 hectares of vacant and derelict land in key locations for a new green freeport has been unveiled.
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Health impacts of climate change puts Glasgow in the spotlight
Glasgow is one of six 'front-runner cities' from around the world being profiled, by WHO, for their plans on mitigating and adapting to climate change.
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New Tidal Flood model for the Clyde published
Glasgow City Council and SEPA have produced a new River Clyde Tidal Flood Model, covering the area on the river between Dalbeth in Glasgow and Greenock.
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New Digital Portal to Give Parents Access to Their Child’s School Goes Live in Glasgow
Notes, slips and stapled forms are soon to be a thing of the past in Glasgow with the imminent launch of a new digital portal giving parents access to their child’s school.
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Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone Given the Green Light for Full Enforcement
Plans to effectively exclude the most polluting vehicles from driving into the city centre have been given the green light after Glasgow's Low Emission Zone (LEZ) was approved by Scottish Ministers.
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Event Showcasing Glasgow’s Avenues Plus Project
An event on South Portland Street this on 26 May will offer local people, businesses and organisations the chance to find out more about the forthcoming Avenues Plus project, which will connect Glasgow city centre and communities on its fringes.
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Smart Water Systems to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change at Two Glasgow New-Build Nurseries
Smart Grey Water Systems recently installed at two new-build nursery schools are being linked to a Smart Water Management Hub which uses predictive weather technology to reduce the likelihood of localised flood risk ahead of a storm event.
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New Transport Strategy Tackles Climate Change and Inequality
It’s first time since 2007 that the vision for how to get about Glasgow has been renewed with the strategy setting out almost 150 policies that also seek to support the city’s economic success and create thriving, liveable neighbourhoods.