Since its inception in 2012, Scottish EDGE has awarded over £11 million to startup businesses and has had a huge impact on Scotland’s economy. Past winners have collectively generated additional investment of £82.47 million, £104.22 million in turnover and created 2214 jobs.

The deadline for online applications, which must include a short video pitch, is 2pm on Wednesday, September 6. A application support workshop will be held in Glasgow at 10am on Thursday, August 9.

Round 13 of Scottish EDGE includes a social enterprise award for the first time. The final and awards dinner will be held on Thursday, December 6.

Evelyn McDonald, Scottish EDGE CEO, said: “Just over a month after awarding £1 million to 25 businesses in our 12th round, we are back to offer Scotland’s next wave of innovative startups the chance to apply for Scottish EDGE funding and support.

“We’re very excited to see the great social enterprising ideas that come into the competition this round thanks to the newly launched Social Enterprise EDGE award.

“Having received a total of 245 excellent applications in our last round, we expect the standard of the competition to be high. I wish everyone applying for ‘lucky’ EDGE13 the very best of success and I can’t wait to see the always fascinating ideas that come our way.”



Scottish EDGE

Workshop information