The Avenues Plus project is a £21.4million Sustrans-funded project under the Places for Everyone programme. The project will add to the Glasgow City Region City Deal-funded Avenues programme in the city centre to link with neighbouring communities, promoting active travel and increasing connectivity.
- Tags:
- Glasgow City Council
Researchers from University of Glasgow are sharing in £60M of new funding from the Science and Technology Facilities Council to help support their research at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva and T2k and Hyper-K detectors in Japan.
A new spinout company from UWS is set to transform health diagnostic practices in the £245 billion global aquaculture sector.
A new University of Strathclyde involved technology to identify weld defects in minutes will save time and cost in high-integrity fabrications for nuclear new build projects and other quality-critical applications.
Researchers from the University of Glasgow are playing central roles in four new national research networks focused on transforming the wellbeing of older people and boosting the economy.
Researchers from the University of Glasgow are lending their support to three new projects led by SP Energy Networks to to help tackle some of the UK’s biggest and most complex network challenges.
In these times with attacks becoming more and more common against businesses and employees, every business will need to address these issues as a matter of survival. This training course by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce addresses some of the key issues plaguing businesses from an information security point of view.
The Let's Get Connected app links to more than 800 services including support and advice for those experiencing trauma, poverty, mental health problems, addiction, unemployment, homelessness, and Adverse Childhood Experiences.
- Tags:
- Glasgow City Council