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Glasgow Set To Host New Event For Scottish Tech Industry
The Digital DNA Conference will come to the SEC on 28th of September and will be the first Scottish incarnation of the event which started in Belfast in 2013.
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Osteoporosis Patients Should Not Be Afraid To Exercise Regularly Says GCU Expert
People with weakened bones (osteoporosis) shouldn’t be afraid to exercise regularly, says a consensus statement drawn up by an expert panel on how to maximise bone health, reduce risk of fractures and improve posture.
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Glasgow Tech Fest Showcases City’s Competitive Marketplace
The inaugural Glasgow Tech Fest, held in the city’s Innovation District (GCID), saw a stimulating exchange of ideas designed to accelerate the growth of the sector and to nurture its ecosystem.
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University of Glasgow Researchers Lend Support to Martian Meteorite Study
Researchers from the University of Glasgow have lent their support to cutting-edge new analysis of a Martin meteorite led by colleagues at Lund University in Sweden.
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City of Glasgow College Says Innovation Is Key to Building a Resilient and Entrepreneurial Economy
As host for the Scottish Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (Scottish IKE), City of Glasgow College helps business benefit from research and innovation interventions.
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Smart Water Systems to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change at Two Glasgow New-Build Nurseries
Smart Grey Water Systems recently installed at two new-build nursery schools are being linked to a Smart Water Management Hub which uses predictive weather technology to reduce the likelihood of localised flood risk ahead of a storm event.
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Clydebank’s Incredible Heritage Brought To Life Through Health Centre Art
Clydebank’s history, industrial past and natural landscape, along the edge of the eponymous river, are all celebrated in the artwork and design of the area’s outstanding new £21 million health and care centre.