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University of Glasgow E-Skin That Can Feel Pain Could Create New Generation of Touch-Sensitive Robots
Engineers from University of Glasgow have developed an artificial skin with a new type of processing system based on ‘synaptic transistors, which mimics the brain’s neural pathways in order to learn.
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Strathclyde Research Into Magnesium as a Sustainable Alternative to Lithium in Batteries
The University of Strathclyde led study, funded by the Faraday Institution, will develop suitable electrolytes, which connect electrodes to each other and allow current to flow, for use in rechargeable, high energy density batteries.
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Corporate Events at UK’s First Newton Flight Academy Take Off at Glasgow Science Centre
The Newton Flight Academy is home to Scotland’s only full motion flight simulators and offers a realistic wrap-around 180-degree view of landscapes generated from real map data. Delegates can expect to take off and pilot the controls of a light aircraft under the guidance of flight crew while learning about…
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Glasgow Clyde College Hosts UK’s First Interactive Metaverse Open Day
Experts predict that by 2030 we’ll be spending more time in virtual worlds than the real world so for school pupils finishing their exams in Scotland this week, Glasgow Clyde College is offering a glimpse into the future by launching the UK’s first ever interactive metaverse Open Day - recreating…
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University of Glasgow Exposes the Devastating Cost of Austerity on Health Across the UK
People across the UK are dying younger as a result of austerity, with people living in the poorest areas hardest hit. A new report by University of Glasgow and Glasgow Centre for Population Health, calls for urgent action and presents 40 recommendations to turn the situation around.
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First Bus Celebrates Completion of UK’s Largest Rapid EV Charging Hub at Flagship Glasgow Depot
Glasgow is now home to the UK’s largest electric vehicle (EV) rapid-charging centre as First Bus completes the major transformation of its flagship Caledonia depot.
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Glasgow Dentist Invents Device That Experts Say Could Help Sports People ‘Exercise Safely’
Gerry Farrell, a practising dentist from Glasgow, has developed an easy-to-use exercise device called the Novabow, which works to build foot muscle strength.
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Strathclyde Study Seeks Recruits to Assess Impact of Digital Support Programme for Dementia Caregivers
The University of Strathclyde is part of a nationwide project, funded by the NIHR, which is assessing the iSupport online skills and training programme for informal caregivers – usually family members or friends - of people living with dementia.