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New centre to explore human-robot connection
A “state-of-the-art” new centre involving University of Strathclyde, will help Scottish businesses explore the potential of ‘cobots’ – the next generation of robots trained to work cooperatively and more closely with humans.
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Honeycomb plastics offer a peek into future of smart prosthetic design say University of Glasgow engineers
A new form of lightweight, impact-resistant plastic-based ‘honeycomb’ structures which can sense when they have been damaged could find use in new forms of ‘smart’ prosthetics and medical implants, its inventors suggest.
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Clyde waste-to-hydrogen facility plan unveiled
The £20m facility on the north bank of the River Clyde will take non-recyclable plastics and use them to create a local source of sustainable hydrogen to be used as a clean fuel.
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Boeing getting ready for lift off with NMIS
Work is progressing at pace to refurbish and kit-out the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland’s newest facility at Westway Park in Renfrew, part of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland.
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Get curious about innovation with Glasgow Science Centre
Curious About Innovation will celebrate the innovative spirit in all of us, and how that spirit can change the world. The three-day programme includes live talks, interviews, games and resources.
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University of Strathclyde system to be demonstrated as part of EU-funded research project
The €6m project to trial greener, more efficient ship propulsion and steering system is now underway.
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University of Glasgow developed recyclable ‘veggie’ battery could power future devices 
A new type of 3D-printed battery which uses electrodes made from vegetable starch and carbon nanotubes could provide mobile devices with a more environmentally-friendly, higher-capacity source of power.
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University of Strathclyde projects win funding to unlock marine wave energy potential 
A project which takes inspiration from the fins of marine animals to design flexible material Wave Energy Converters is one of two led by Strathclyde to be awarded a share of £7.5m funding.