Developed by Young Scot and Glasgow City of Science as the Youth Strand for Scotland’s innovation summit – Venturefest Scotland 2016 (September 1st), VentureJam 2016 participants will have the chance to pitch their best ideas from the Jam weekend to top innovators and investors at Venturefest, ‘Dragon’s Den’ style. Will your team create the next big thing?

Guiding jammers through the creative process will be a team of inspirational mentors from the world of television, gaming, product design and 3D animation as well as legal experts and environmental gurus.

VentureJam is looking for a mixed, lively group of young people aged 14-20 from across Scotland with a range of interests from the arts and music (the hipsters!) to science and gaming (the hackers!) as well as wannabe entrepreneurs (the hustlers!). No experience is required!

Whatever your thing, we want you get excited about working in teams to create new ideas (products, games or even interactive art installations) to make our lives and our environment better, including the air we breathe.

To find out more and register your interest in participating, visit the Young Scot website.



Young Scot: Come along to VentureJam 2016

Venturefest Scotland