The award is given to universities that have demonstrated their commitment to improving the working conditions and career development for research staff, to in turn improve the quantity, quality and impact of research for the benefit of UK society and the economy. 

UWS now joins Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Glasgow and University of Strathclyde – all Glasgow City of Science partners – in achieving the recognition.

The award was assessed by a panel comprising of the European Commission, the Concordat Strategy Group, Vitae and the UK Research Staff Association. This award acknowledges the University’s commitment to achieving the principles of the UK Concordat – to support the career development of researchers and the European Charter for Researchers.

Professor Craig Mahoney, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of UWS, said: “This is a really fantastic achievement for which I commend my colleagues. The award highlights the University’s commitment to developing internationally excellent research by nurturing the research talent of its staff which then goes on to benefit wider society. I am delighted to add this award to many that UWS has won in recent months.”

This award recognises the positive actions that UWS, which produced a Concordat Implementation Action Plan in March 2016, has taken and continues to take to support the career development of it researchers.

The action plan demonstrates how collectively the activities and work of the various parts of the University provide support for research staff and details areas where UWS is actively making changes designed to transform leadership development of early career researchers and further develop the University’s pipeline of research talent.

Professor Ehsan Mesbahi, Chair of the UWS Concordat Steering Group and UWS Vice Principal & Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise), said. “UWS is proud to be recognised by the European Commission for its ‘HR Excellence in Research’.

“We are committed to continuing to improve the development, support and working environment for our research community to foster collaboration and develop world-class science and research.”

Post the EU Referendum, and the discussions taking place on how the UK will interact with the European Research Area, the Concordat Strategy Group will work with the European Commission to agree the UK’s future participation in the HR Excellence in Research Award.



University of the West of Scotland


European Commission