AcuSoft provides custom software for large US companies and public sector clients. The company plans to recruit 10 software development engineers in Glasgow to provide services for energy industry clients in the US.

Rebecca Hansen, AcuSoft director, said: “Scotland, specifically the Glasgow metro area, provide a compelling value proposition, enabling AcuSoft to deliver the solutions our customers need at a much lower cost than the traditional technology centers. AcuSoft is able to leverage a well-trained and highly-educated workforce, in a city with the modern infrastructure necessary for operating a technology services company without the progress inhibiting overheads of London, Seattle or Silicon Valley.”

Paul Lewis, Scottish Enterprise interim CEO, said: “AcuSoft’s decision to choose Glasgow for their new European HQ is fantastic news and highlights the competitive advantage that Scotland has as a place for international business. We have worked closely with the company as they made their decision and will continue to support them as they grow in Scotland.”

Keith Brown, Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work, said: “Scotland offers technology companies a connected and collaborative location to develop, test, demonstrate and deploy innovative, cost effective solutions to some of the world’s biggest challenges. I wish the company success as they integrate into the Scottish business community and through Scottish Development International we will continue to support their future focus and growth in Scotland.”



Scottish Enterprise