The awards, made by the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU), recognise commitment to tackling gender inequality in higher education. The University of Glasgow currently holds an Institutional Bronze Award from Athena SWAN while the Institute of Health and Wellbeing and the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine hold an Athena SWAN Silver award.

Professor Jeff Evans director of ICS said: “I am delighted that the Institute of Cancer Sciences has been awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Award. The Institute is committed to pursuing the ideals of the Charter, ensuring that all staff are afforded the same career opportunities and representation regardless of gender, race, religion, or intersectionality.”

The Institute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology will also receive a Bronze Athena SWAN Award.

Professor Neil Bulleid, director of IMCSB, said: “The Bronze Athena SWAN award is fantastic news for the Institute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology. The Athena SWAN process has dramatically raised awareness of gender equality and we are fully committed and determined to ensure equal opportunities for all staff. The Institute has an inclusive, supportive and vibrant culture, which helps to retain and attract the very best researchers and support staff.”



University of Glasgow

Athena SWAN charter