Professor Neil Metcalfe and Dr Shaun Killen, from the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS), have been awarded the Beverton Medal and the FSBI medal respectively.
The Beverton Medal, the FSBI’s most senior award, is given to a distinguished scientist for a lifelong contribution to all aspects of the study of fish biology and/or fisheries science, with a focus on ground-breaking research.
The award was given to Professor Metcalfe for his truly impressive contribution to fish biology, primarily through his ground-breaking research linking behaviour and physiology in salmonid fish to their ecology; his remarkable research output; wide network of collaborators; total citations; and his role in developing the careers of young scientists.
Professor Metcalfe, from the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine (IBAHCM), said: “I feel really fortunate to receive this medal, especially when I see the list of distinguished previous recipients. I think the award is partly a consequence of the fact that I’ve been lucky enough to work with some wonderful researchers.
“Science is a collaborative venture, and during my career I’ve been very fortunate to be able to work alongside some great collaborators.”
The FSBI medal is awarded to early career scientists who are deemed to have made exceptional advances in the study of fish biology and/or fisheries science in recognition of their achievements.
The award was given to Dr Shaun Killen, senior research fellow at IBAHCM, for his work across related research themes in fish biology and fisheries science which has changed perspectives on fish physiology, leading directly to the first examination of how physiological variation within fish species may make certain individuals more vulnerable to capture by commercial fishing gears, causing fisheries-induced evolutionary change.
The society also cited the considerable scientific impact of Dr Killen’s work and his involvement in the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
Dr Killen, also from IBAHCM, said: “Receiving this medal is a great surprise and tremendous honour. Throughout my career I’ve had incredible mentors, collaborators, and students that have made this possible.
“I’ve admired the FSBI for their support of young researchers ever since I was a student, and so to receive this award from them at this stage is really special.”