Weicheng He gained a first class honours degree in Physics and his work also earned him the Professor James Muir Prize, an award made to an outstanding final year Physics student at Strathclyde. He received a cash prize and a copy of Great Physicists, a book by William H Cropper. Weicheng came to study at Strathclyde through an articulation agreement with Donghua University in Shanghai, which enabled him to take the final two years of his degree in Scotland after taking the first two at Donghua.

Weicheng received his degree during a ceremony at Strathclyde’s Barony Hall on Friday, 10 July. He said: “Strathclyde has strong connections with China, including its articulation agreement with Donghua. Through this, I had a great opportunity to study at Strathclyde.

“It’s good to study in a different country and experience a whole different culture. The people in Scotland are really friendly; if you need help, they will give you a hand and if you have a problem, they can always help you find the answer.

“My time in Scotland has really broadened my horizons and has been great for improving my English. The Department of Physics have also been very helpful in my research, in which I explored high intensity x-ray operation, and my studies.”

Weicheng will now be going to Selwyn College at the University of Cambridge to take a Masters in Applied Mathematics.

The Research Excellence Framework 2014, the comprehensive rating of UK universities’ research, ranked the University of Strathclyde’s Physics research first in the UK, with 96% of output assessed as world-leading or internationally excellent.



University of Strathclyde