An optometry student from Glasgow Caledonian University has become the first student representative to sit on the council of the body that represents the profession.

Optometry Scotland has appointed Anil Rach, a fourth-year optometry student in Vision Sciences, to the role.

Dr Andrew Logan, Vision Sciences lecturer and Acting Programme Lead for BSc (Hons) Optometry, said: “We are delighted by Anil’s appointment as Student Representative to Optometry Scotland. Anil has considerable experience as a class representative and will be able to apply this to represent the views of students in his new role.”

Anil was recommended by the University after impressing staff as one of the representatives for his peers on the course.

Anil said: “It is a real honour to be given the opportunity to work more closely with Optometry Scotland, have input to its work and be part of meetings so I can help to relay important industry information to my fellow students.

“Optometry Scotland is dedicated to looking after the interests of our profession and I’ve been appointed at an exciting time as the team has been working hard to secure a three percent eye examination fee increase from the Scottish Government, which was recently agreed.

“The introduction of dedicated representatives will help to increase awareness of the great work Optometry Scotland does among students as well as the key issues that face the industry.

“It’s also a great opportunity for me to further embed myself in the optometry community as I work towards establishing my career.”

David Quigley, Chair of Optometry Scotland, said: “We work closely with the two universities in Scotland that offer optometry courses and appointing student representatives to our council is a natural progression so they have a dedicated contact who can represent their views and interests.

“Anil came highly recommended from Glasgow Caledonian University and I have no doubt he will be a fantastic source of support for his peers.

“We will be also appointing a representative from the University of Highlands and Islands in due course.”