Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) Department of Nursing & Community Health, in partnership with Glasgow City of Science is attempting to break a Guinness World Record. We would love if you would be able to be an official steward for the attempt. We are asking you because this needs to be a person independent of the University who has a current job title or profession.
- Guinness World Record Attempt (GWRA): “The most participants in a hand sanitising relay”
- Date: Wednesday 18th November
- Time: 12.30 – 18.00 (although it may finish earlier depending on numbers)
- Location: The Saltire Centre, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow. G4 0BA
Hand hygiene is the best way to prevent the spread of infection and one of the first skills that student nurses at GCU are taught. The World Health Organisation have an approved hand washing technique and the Safeguarding Health through Infection Prevention (SHIP) research group at GCU are producing evidence which supports this technique.
The aim of the record attempt is to teach first year student nurses this important skill, to promote this technique to the wider University and the public, and also highlight the work of the research group and the nursing department.
Requirements of a steward
We would require you to supervise a group of 50 students and monitor if anyone leaves the group during the world record attempt.
Further information and guidance will be given, should you agree to take part, at a stewards and witnesses meeting between 12.30 and 13.30 on the day of the record and then lunch will be provided before the record attempt begins at 2pm.
If you are interested in lending a hand as a steward for the event, please contact:
Valerie Ness
Lecturer, Dept. of Nursing & Community Health,
Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow. G4 0BA
Tel: (0141) 331 8813 Email:
This information can also be downloaded as a PDF here:
Glasgow Caledonian University – Steward World Record Attempt Letter (152.1 kB)