The project builds on 2017’s Back To Work project for minority ethnic women returners and the launch event will run from 9.30am to 1.30pm on Monday, November 26 at thestudio, 67 Hope Street, Glasgow.

Scotland is a vibrant and culturally diverse country, and AAI believes this should be reflected in the way people work. The promotion of diversity of race, gender, age, and culture creates positive and productive workplaces where collaboration and fresh ideas thrive.

AAI’s previous work in this area has highlighted the profound need for employers across Scotland to increase their engagement with diverse communities in order to access talented individuals they may otherwise miss out on.

This project will provide an opportunity for private, public and third sector businesses to examine their current diversity recruitment practices in the context of the labour market in Scotland. You’ll hear from talented minority ethnic women, the organisations working to support them, and other employers with an interest in improving their performance through inclusive recruitment.

Representatives from Radiant & Brighter, Scottish Government, Diageo, and Mercer will all be at the launch event.

Benefits of attending project launch and follow-up seminars:

Employers/Business Founders

  • Gain practical advice on attracting and retaining diversity into your business
  • Share knowledge and best-practice with industry leaders, policy-makers and skilled professionals from all backgrounds
  • Sign up for a follow-up Inclusive Business seminar in your area
  • Become better-equipped to address the issues BME women face
  • Find out about 3-month funded internship opportunities for startups/small businesses

Female Employees/Job Seekers

  • Meet and hear from forward-thinking employers, industry experts, government and BME community supporters
  • Network and build confidence with new contacts
  • Get expert career advice and find out about support networks
  • Sign-up for our follow-up seminars and exclusive
  • Diversity Works paid opportunities

Eligibility Criteria

  • Any employers/businesses interested in improving diversity in their workforce
  • Minority ethnic female students/graduates/job seekers/anyone passionate about minority ethnic/BME matters and valuable employment opportunities

Follow up Inclusive Business Seminars

These follow-up seminars will measure the current reality of your business practices against the actual experiences of BME women.

  • Glasgow – Dec 3
  • Edinburgh – Dec 10
  • Aberdeen – Jan 10



Diversity Works launch

Adopt An Intern