Ozone gas has been used to clean water for centuries; however, this complex process can make water treatment expensive. Costa’s research has created a new material – a polymer membrane (pictured in the image) – which aims to enhance ozone water treatment, making it more efficient and cost-effective, especially for countries with limited access to water. Resembling an eye, the membrane also represents her vision as a researcher: to make a difference.

This year’s competition, Safeguarding today, securing tomorrow – and the resulting exhibition – highlighted Strathclyde’s endeavours to address today’s global challenges and to enable society to adapt and advance. Images of Research 2018 was sponsored by Jessops.

The University of Strathclyde’s Ronnie Cleland, who sat on the judging panel, said: “Two of the values of the university are Innovative and Bold and I was struck by the fact that, to me, all the exhibits carried these qualities in so many different ways. All credit to all entrants for providing such a stimulating exhibition.”



Images of Research

University of Strathclyde