Entrepreneurs and innovators from across Scotland’s largest city convened for the inaugural Glasgow Tech Week, held from May 13th to 18th. This event highlights Glasgow’s growing tech, digital, and creative sectors, fostering discussions on expanding the ecosystem to bolster job creation and economic growth.

The week will see a series of conferences, panels, breakfast sessions, workshops, and networking events taking place across the city, supported by Glasgow City Innovation District (GCID), with its headline event, Glasgow Tech Fest, happening on Thursday 16 May.

Glasgow Tech Week will host events in collaboration with KPMG, AND Digital, Black and Scot, Cooper Parry, and Johnstone Carmichael as part of the diverse programme that incorporates topics including investment and pitching, as well as diversity and equality.

Launched in 2022, Glasgow Tech Fest has become a go-to event for the tech, digital, and creative community, and its success has led to the Tech Week’s creation. Tech Fest provides opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs to connect with their peers, learn from ecosystem experts, and network to make valuable connections.

Alisdair Gunn, director of GCID, said:

“We are delighted to introduce Scotland’s first Tech Week to Glasgow. Bringing together partners from across Glasgow and beyond to showcase the incredible work taking place in the tech, digital and creative sectors and providing free events that will help businesses connect, learn and grow.

“We have been overwhelmed by the positive response from organisations across the ecosystem to supporting Glasgow Tech Week which highlights the vibrancy and growth of Glasgow’s Innovation Economy.

“We have a fantastic programme of events taking place from investment and pitching to educational roundtables all leading up to our headline event, Glasgow Tech Fest, taking place on 16 May.

“We look forward to seeing the ecosystem from across Scotland coming together to support the activity taking place.”

Glasgow Tech Fest is focused on key themes that allow attendees to hear from founders, investors, leaders, and ecosystem builders, gaining insights into the tech sector and learning more about founder journeys.

Headline speakers at the main Glasgow Tech Fest event will be scientist, educator, and broadcaster Dame Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, who will deliver the opening keynote speech on breaking barriers; and Jason Bradbury, the journalist and presenter best known for his former role on The Gadget Show, who will give the closing keynote speech on the future of technology.

Ecosystem builders, businesses, investors, and community are all invited to develop and host their own event during the week with the aim to showcase the breadth of innovation, product, and service development taking place across the Glasgow City Region.

Businesses and organisers located within Glasgow City can apply for a Tech Smart Meetup Subsidy available from Glasgow City Council to support the delivery of conference and tech ecosystem events in the city.