The iCapital prize enables European cities to showcase their contribution to developing local innovation ecosystems for the benefit of businesses and the wellbeing of their citizens. The five runners up will each receive 100,000.

The other finalists are Antwerp (Belgium), Bilbao (Spain), Bologna (Italy), Bristol (UK), Dortmund (Germany), Espoo (Finland), Hamburg (Germany), London (UK), Lyon (France), Nantes (France) and Rotterdam (The Netherlands).

The 6 winning cities will be announced in September. Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, will reveal the European Capital of Innovation 2019 during the ‘EU Research and Innovation days’ event in Brussels.

Glasgow was previously shortlisted in the 2016 competition, which was won by Amsterdam. 

As a legacy project from our involvement in the competition, Glasgow conceived the idea of connecting the shortlisted iCapital ‘alumni’ cities through a pioneering digital collaboration platform which would nurture opportunities for collaboration, support ideas exchange between cities and add value to the existing innovation landscape.

The Ideas & Knowledge Exchange Network (iKEN) went live in summer 2018 and 18 iCapital alumni cities are now part of the pioneering network.



iCapital Awards