Glasgow-developed simulation-powered digital twins are helping combat the UK’s patient backlog.

Simul8, the Glasgow-based software specialist, is working with NHS Boards and Trusts on process optimisation initiatives, ranging from patient scheduling in oncology units to patient flow through fertility departments, modelling maternity services, and optimising trauma and orthopaedic wards.

An ageing population and COVID-19’s aftermath are just two of the reasons why waiting lists hit an all-time high in September 2023, when approximately 7.8 million people were waiting for hospital treatment.

According to the latest NHS England data, and as of March 2024, that figure is down to 7.5 million people waiting—but 43% of those have been on a list for more than 18 weeks.

Laura Reid, CEO at Simul8, said:

“Our healthcare system is under extreme pressure and millions of people are waiting for potentially lifesaving treatments. Sadly, there’s no silver bullet to solving the backlog issue but we should be using every available option to improve the situation.

“Technology has a critical role to play in the future of healthcare in the UK. Our software is already making a difference and we’re extremely proud of that, but we want to do more. Simulation-powered digital twins remove bottlenecks and improve efficiency, which is exactly what the system needs.”

In an environment like a hospital, where situations can change at a moment’s notice, simulation-powered digital twin technology is useful in deciding where resources should be allocated to ensure the system isn’t overburdened and struggling to meet capacity.

One project run by change management specialists, Changeology, used Simul8’s simulation-powered digital twins to redesign a patient scheduling system for a cancer care unit.

Simul8’s technology helped the unit save £15,000 a month and more importantly reduced patient wait times by over 50% and improved nursing staff’s experiences—and received a Health Service Journal (HSJ) Silver Award for Best Healthcare Analytics Project for the NHS.

The tech is also helping to optimise processes for IVF treatment and cardiovascular surgery at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London.

The Trust uses the software to analyse staffing levels, the number of procedures in each process and the equipment and people needed to complete them in the desired timeframe. It enables senior leaders to plan resources effectively which leads to an enhanced quality of service and better patient outcomes.

“Healthcare is a topic close to my heart. It’s where I started my career and to think our technology is helping solve some of the issues the system faces fills me with pride,” Reid continued.

“The beauty of what we offer is that it removes risk. Making changes to the simulation does not affect real life or have financial implications. It’s a test environment, enabling stakeholders to determine the best way to improve processes that can be transitioned to the live environment and benefit patients.”