The common goal: to encourage, educate and inspire Rwanda’s female STEM students of the future.

FemEng in Rwanda, which has received backing from a number of high profile engineering companies including CH2M and Western Ferries, will involve the delivery of STEM-based workshops including Dyson and biomedical activities to high school students with the intention of fostering an interest in this field among participants.

The pioneering project launches on the 14th April in the Wolfson Medical Building at the University of Glasgow from 5pm-7pm. The group invites anyone who wishes to find out more to this event which will feature presentations from students and sponsors and a drinks reception.

The students who are taking part in the project are:

  • Jess Níc Shuibhne – 4th Year Aeronautical Engineering
  • Ellen Simmons – 4th Year Biomedical Engineering
  • Brogan Gauld – 2nd Year Mechanical Engineering
  • Nina Birchard – 2nd Year Product Design Engineering
  • Anna Robb – 2nd Year Product Design Engineering
  • Catriona Holland – 2nd Year Mechanical Engineering
  • Rebecca Hunter – 2nd Year Product Design Engineering
  • Magda Kowalska – 4th Year Computing Science



@UoGfemeng on Twitter

University of Glasgow

University of Rwanda