Awarded the highest grade of outstanding by the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Grading Panel, this case study between UWS and Baxters Food Group has had notable achievements in helping the company reduce its environmental footprint.
Since 1868, Baxters has dedicated itself to creating high-quality food products. What’s grown over four generations is an iconic brand that sits on shelves across the UK. The aim for the KTP between UWS and Baxters Food Group was to embed waste and process management knowledge and expertise, helping Baxters reduce their environmental footprint, achieve best-in-class performance and support business growth.
Mark Stockwell, European Environmental Manager at Baxters Food Group, said:
“The KTP has been so beneficial to solving existing problems on site that we did not have the resources to tackle prior to the partnership. I would strongly encourage any business to consider engaging in a KTP with Innovate UK and a prestigious facility such as UWS to realise potential and better your processes.”
Notable achievements include:
- Achieved an approximate 45 percent reduction in caustic chemical use
- Eliminated molasses purchase and use
- Improved effluent monitoring
- Created a detailed site model
- Minimised erratic nature of final effluent
- Continuous knowledge transfer
- Implementation of waste prevention strategies
- Cultural change “No food waste to drain”
- Initiated diversion of surplus food as animal feed
- Recovered of phosphorus and potassium from sludge and food waste