The Aquabot presents a real innovation in the water monitoring market.
Through an innovative project, City of Glasgow College & Altitude Thinking have developed the Aquabot, an aquatic drone with a range of sensors to monitor water properties in large bodies of inland waters.
Altitude Thinking, led by City of Glasgow College Alumni, Dale Colley, has received over £40,000 which has enabled the development of a mark 1 drone, and a second prototype allowing for ongoing reviews, modifications and commercialisation in future markets. The project is collaborative development using extensive IoT expertise. In addition to City of Glasgow College, CENSIS, the Innovation centre for Sensing, Imaging and Internet of Things (IoT) and Scottish Canals have provided input and support in the testing of the second prototype Aquabot 2.0.
Aquabot 2.0 has undergone several upgrades, including a sturdier body, a GPS directed autopilot that extends range and IoT connectivity. This allows for near-live data transfer to a cloud platform where customer can access the visualised results and presents a real innovation in the water monitoring market.
Learn more about Altitude Thinking and The Aquabot here.
The Aquabot uses a multi-parameter sensor that can be readily adapted on-demand, this device could measure everything from oxygen levels, pH levels, and turbidity, to chemical or biological compounds in the water. It offers a fantastic opportunity to radically alter how environmental conditions are monitored in Scotland.
A long-term agreement is in place that allows Altitude Thinking to permanently loan and use the Aquabot, owned by the college as part of the current funding, for demonstration and first commercial activities. It is also a possibility that further funding to continue innovation on this product will be sought.
Case Studies