Trauma is the leading cause of death for people under 40 and the fourth most common cause of death in western countries.
The Advanced Trauma Life Support protocol (ATLS) is a standardised approach to managing trauma, used globally ─ however, there is currently unacceptable variation in clinical care. Hundreds of lives and millions of pounds each year could be saved through better adherence to the ATLS protocol.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has collaborated with Scottish Trauma Network companies and DaySix Ltd to develop a digital solution to improve the care of patients with trauma.
With funding from iUK, the team has generated a prototype decision support app that maps a small subset of the trauma protocol. Simulations of the prototype in Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Edinburgh Royal Infirmary indicate the potential to transform service delivery and improve patient care. Response from clinicians around the world has been highly positive, highlighting a significant market opportunity for this innovative tool.