In the run up to the Engage with Strathclyde week, Anna Selwood, a Careers Adviser at University of Strathclyde Careers Service, writes for Glasgow City of Science on the fantastic opportunities for businesses in making the most of Masters students.


As a Careers Adviser to the Faculty of Science at the University of Strathclyde this is a question I would love employers of all shapes and sizes to consider because, as it turns out, they can do quite a lot if you give them the opportunity.

A Masters student is typically a graduate who has chosen to study a subject in more depth. They often have a passion for the subject and can be very career focussed; whatever their reason for choosing postgraduate study you can be sure of one thing – they are enthusiastic about gaining real experience in the workplace and this is where you come in.

I am involved in a Scotland-wide project called Making the Most of Masters which aims to improve collaboration between external organisations and universities by providing opportunities for postgraduate masters students to undertake work-based dissertation projects.

Picture this: from around May to September some of our most talented, knowledge-hungry, resourceful and motivated students are rolling up their sleeves and getting stuck into research projects…..and one of these could be adding value to your organisation!

For example, at Strathclyde the MSc Industrial Biotechnology and MSc Forensic Science courses work closely with industry partners who provide their students with work based projects. We have been piloting Making the Most of Masters this academic year with both these courses and have found it to be a resource that prepares students well for this process while making it easy for employers to engage.


By proposing a project you have the opportunity to harness the knowledge and skills of a Strathclyde Masters student to address a real business need. Our event, during the Engage with Strathclyde week, is an opportunity for you to find out more about this opportunity. You will hear from graduates, staff members and an employer about their experiences of working together to support work-based projects for students.

We look forward to meeting you and sharing more about the benefits to you of collaborating with our Masters students:

What Can Masters Students Do for You? This event will demonstrate how a Masters student can help you achieve short-term goals and provide support to your existing workforce.

The event will take place on Thursday May 5th, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm, in The Technology and Innovation Centre. If you able to join us, register here.


Look-out for more posts from Engage with Strathclyde participants on the Glasgow City of Science Blog and follow them on Twitter @EngageStrath