The website showcases the significant progress that has been made towards achieving a fully circular economy, with detailed information on achievements and future trends and opportunities for businesses.

With over half of the global population now living in cities, where around 75 per cent of resources are consumed, cities are key to adopting a circular economy.

In 2015, Glasgow took its first steps in creating a stronger more sustainable economy by completing a pioneering Circle City Scan.

Commissioned through a partnership led by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce with global experts Circle Economy from the Netherlands, Zero Waste Scotland and Glasgow City Council, the scan showed that adopting circularity can spike job creation, increase resource efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions throughout the city.

Through analysing Glasgow’s economic and political landscape and by mapping the city’s resource flows from consumption to waste, the scan identified leading industries through which the city’s economy can become more ‘circular’.

The study also brought into focus ways the Chamber, via its Circular Glasgow initiative, could directly support local organisations in adopting circular models; including new collaborations, market opportunities, significant financial savings and generating increased profits.

Circular Glasgow Story So Far aims to inspire other cities, businesses and individuals to take action, form new collaborations and adopt circular economy principles within their own organisations, and to encourage a new wave of innovative businesses to join the next phase of work.

Working in partnership with Zero Waste Scotland, Glasgow City Council and Circle Economy in the Netherlands, Circular Glasgow’s work to date has received global recognition and helped to position Glasgow as a pioneering circular economy city.

It moves into the next phase of its business engagement work through a new partnership with Zero Waste Scotland, its other partners and funded by the European Regional Development Fund.



Circular Glasgow: The Story So Far